Too tired to post in any other fashion... Stream of Momishness -- a blog by a new mom trying to balance a full-time family and a healthy obsession with research and new products.

Friday, August 29, 2008

You might need more "me time" IF...

A few days ago I snuck out to the spa for a much needed eyebrow wax. Fortunately, I have some gray blond hairs, so I can go a few months between appointments, but it had definitely been a couple months since I'd been in. You can imagine my surprise as the aesthetician asked if everything was OK and that she was worried about the orangey/red spots around my eyes and whether she could "operate." (She was also trying to do a hard sell for some eyebrow tinting with respect to the above mention blond hair, but I digress). I thought about how my son had inadvertently cut my eye that morning while wielding a miniature school bus and wondered if I developed some type of infection that would put a stop to my 15 minutes of me time. "Here, look," she said as she thrust a mirror in my face. What a saw was even more embarrassing and shocking. The orange spots were surprisingly not my little gash from the run-in with the school bus. There, right above my right eye, on the middle of my nose, AND under my left eye were remnants from my son's lunch side of mashed pumpkin (someone must have been pulling on my sunglasses before the Mommish washed his hands)....

Only in mommyland kids, only in mommyland...

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