Too tired to post in any other fashion... Stream of Momishness -- a blog by a new mom trying to balance a full-time family and a healthy obsession with research and new products.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Baby Cooks?

So if you have read what the Mommish says, you know how passionate I am about homecooked (or as close of an approximation to it as possible) baby food. So you can imagine my intrigue when I came across a new product in the Williams Sonoma catalog that not only purees, but also steams, blends and warms fruits and veggies into delicious concoctions for the wee ones. It's called the Beaba Babycook and it looks pretty cool. That being said, the $139 price tag is a little steep for the Mommish, and if you already are the proud owner of a veggie steamer (or microwave or even a good old fashion oven for that matter) and either a blender or a food processor - then you already have all the tools you need. But if you are looking for easier clean-up and keeping everything in one place, it does look like a pretty sweet contraption.

Since it is sold through Williams Sonoma - maybe it would be best on a wedding registry - instead of a steamer and blender - just get the Babycook!

It happened...

Wham... Thud.... Waaaahaaaahaaaah.... Every mother's nightmare. It all started innocently enough. A little game of peekabo. Only the Mommish did not realize that this week that the Babish decided running was a contact sport and his only mode of transportation. So you can imagine the guilt I am feeling from his head on corner collision as he was running to surprise me. The bruise is so linear - that even my brother-in-law immediately looked at the Babish and commented, "someone hit a corner." Well, now the bruise is linear... we started out with the classic progression from a Klingon (bruise with egg lump underneath in the center of his forehead), to Harry Potter (zigzag line in his forehead, black eyes instead of trademark glasses) to now what resembles a Bindi. [ed. note. the Hubbish's characterization of this progression was more of a unicorn into someone who celebrated Ash Wednesday, but I digress.]

A wise pediatrician [sorry, drawing a blank on whether it was Sears, Spock or Brazelton - hey, maybe I'll suggest Leach too and it has to be one of them...] once wrote that if your toddler does NOT have any bumps and bruises, then you are hovering too closely. It's a fine line to draw, because what parent wants to see their child get hurt. And as if there aren't enough things to feel guilty over as a mother. And of course there is the worry about taking him out in public (will other mothers judge me and think I can't watch my kid - or worse - will they think I hurt him...). Thankfully on day 2 of the horrible, terrible, no good black lump of coal on my son's forehead an older woman commented what a beautiful baby I had upon seeing the Babish in his shopping cart. Now, I'm assuming her eyesight wasn't perfect - but still, it made me feel much better!

I guess all we can do is stock up on arnica gel (you may want to double check with your own pediatrician on its safety - but everything I've read indicates that it's fine for toddlers) and hope that the bruises fade quickly. Everything is a learning experience for the Mommish and the Babish! (and as you will see above, the bruise is finally fading... but sunglasses were needed to protect the innocent :)