Too tired to post in any other fashion... Stream of Momishness -- a blog by a new mom trying to balance a full-time family and a healthy obsession with research and new products.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Kids say the Darndest Things...

I was thinking about posting a shameless plug for my sister, Jenny Meyerhoff, whose first children's book, Third Grade Baby, comes out in just one short month.... But, I happened to check out her highlarious blog today, and so I just had to provide a link to a very cute story about my three year old nephew's commentary about a birthday gift.

My nephew Noah is one funny kid. He recently offered to be the Babish's jumping coach, since everyone else seemed to some sort of coach and he wanted in on the action.

The Babish still has a limited vocabulary - so I'm still waiting for some funny-isms. I've only had one. While I was trying to prompt the little guy to say "whee" or "slide" while looking at a picture of a boy going down a slide, the Z-man was not having any of it. But he kept saying Tuzzy, Tuzzy every time I said "slide." Thinking my kid was really confused, I just politely kept saying, yes that is a slide. Finally he looked at me point blank and almost yelled the word, "Tuzzy." Duh - it clicked for dumb Momish- he was trying to tell me that the boy was going down on his Tushy...[and it served as a wake-up call that he does understand a lot more that I think, including when I caution him to go on his tushy every time he's about to go down his slide head first...]

1 comment:

Jenny Meyerhoff said...

So cute!
It's a good thing you are writing these down, because no matter how funny and cute and memorable you think it is. Five weeks later you're scratching your head. What was that thing the baby said that made me squirt milk out of my nose?