I've been getting some flack lately from the mommy brigade. You see, (GASP) even though the Toddlish is a) now a toddler (duh) and b) fit the forward facing weight requirements when he was a wee five months old, we still have not flipped his car seat around so that he is forward facing. Why you ask? Believe me, I ask myself the same question. Part of it is laziness, part of it is fear that he will no longer easily fall asleep in the car if we need him to. But, truth be told, the biggest reason is safety. So go ahead and tattoo DORK on my forehead.
Now I know how excited every parent gets when they can flip their child around. We all saw the Britney Spears and Sean Preston 'razzi shots of him forward facing too early. I was even in a Mommy and Me class last week where the mother of a 10 month old gleefully announced that the pediatrician said "flip her," because her child was 22 lbs. [She also mentioned that this pediatrician was her pediatrician when she was a kid, so let's hope he's more up-to-date on medical advancements in the last 20 years than he is on the laws of our country]. I was the only room with a kid over 12 months, so everyone immediately looked at me to see how my son enjoys being forward facing and how much it has changed my life. Well... by the time I had explained that the Internet research I did on the subject revealed that size and age really don't matter - but a baby's bones haven't ossified enough to withstand a rear car accident (yes, I know, I was talking ossification) and might not until age 3 or 4... all the mommies were giving me the death stare and had changed the subject.
So today, when I happened to come across an article on car seat safety in "The Costco Connection," (yes, in addition to Kosher hot dogs, cruises, contact lenses and bulk groceries, you can get safety tips from Costco), I just had to share the info with all 10 of my devoted readers. The article mentions that children one year of age and at least 20 pounds CAN ride forward facing. It goes on to say that it is BEST to ride rear facing for as long as possible. What is as long as possible? Well, most experts (i.e. the American Association of Pediatrics) point to the height and weight requirements for an individual convertible seat. In our Britax Decathlon (have I mentioned how much we love our Britax?), this means the Babish can ride backwards until he reaches 35 pounds! and until his head is one inch below the top. Most convertible seats have a rear-facing limit of around 30 pounds (even if the forward facing limit is, say, 45 pounds).
Now I don't know if we'll keep him backwards that long... even now, with shoes on he does kick my nice leather. But - studies by the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration have shown that rear facing seats are four times safer than forward facing seats. And that while there have been numerous cases where a spinal or head injury could have been prevented by a child facing rear, there have been no documented cases of children with broken legs from a crash where they were rear-facing (see the cite below).
For more research (if you care to read about absorbing the force of a crash or find links to crash videos...), here is a great resource: http://www.cpsafety.com/articles/stayrearfacing.aspx The pictures showing the force of crash are credited to the University of Michigan Child Passenger Protection - so I gotta trust the old alma mater here...
So, if you see me pulled over on the side of the road because, unlike the other mommies, I can't just had the Babish his sippy cup through the seats, now you'll know why. Hopefully you'll at least wave when you give me the evil look...
Too tired to post in any other fashion... Stream of Momishness -- a blog by a new mom trying to balance a full-time family and a healthy obsession with research and new products.
Friday, April 4, 2008
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Great topic! I'm the DORK mom that was excited to flip my daughter Sofia around. She actually loves sitting forwards! Remember...now they are watching your every move. Sofia does a great impression of me on my cell phone!
I completely agree! My daughter is 19 months old and 33 pounds she is still rear facing for the same reasons you list -- although her head is probably higher than the 1 inch you mention, I need to check that. I am supposed to turn her around at 35 pounds and she's almost there, but i felt like it was the right thing to do to keep her rear facing as long as possible.
by the way, l learned about your blog from a friend of yours who spread the word in our L.A. mom's online group -- thanks for writing such a great blog!
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